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Break/Fix IT vs. Managed Services: Which Is the Best IT Solution for Your Business?

Written by Jessica Donahue | Sep 10, 2019 3:30:00 PM

Every business has an IT strategy.

Most strategies can be broken down into two categories: break/fix or managed services (aka managed IT). But, how do these two solutions compare when they go head to head?

Let’s dig into the advantages and disadvantages of each to find the right IT solution for you.

What Is Break/Fix IT?

Many businesses view break/fix as the ideal IT service. You call your IT provider, when you notice a problem or have an issue that you can identify, and they come and fix it. It’s just that simple!

The Benefit of Break/Fix IT

Businesses choose a break/fix strategy because it appears to be the more economical choice compared to a monthly fee from a managed services provider. Usually, you are only paying per project or service call.

But, how often are you calling your IT services provider?

The Disadvantages: Break/Fix Comes with Cybersecurity Risk

Between calling for help desk support and your service technician familiarizing themselves with your IT environment, the bills can add up quickly with break/fix IT. Every time a service technician is called to repair your IT; they must take the time to learn your network infrastructure. Time you are paying for.

Following the break/fix model means your IT provider doesn’t have the big picture understanding of your business and technology needs. They only know enough to address your service call. They are there to place a bandage, not search and solve the root problem.

Break/fix is a reactive IT solution, meaning there probably isn’t a continuous check up on your network security.

  • How do you know a cyber attack occurred?
  • When was the last time your cybersecurity measures have been evaluated?
  • Are you following the most up to date, proven cybersecurity practices of 2019?
  • Can you afford to survive a cyber attack?

Break/fix IT may seem like the most economical solution, but is it worth the risk?

What Is Managed Services?

Managed Services, or Managed IT, is a technology solution where businesses partner with providers to create and maintain the best IT environment for the business. Typically, this partnership starts with an IT assessment, which gives the managed services provider a complete look at your current network infrastructure.

After an IT assessment, a managed services provider will work with you to develop an optimal information technology solution.

The Advantages of Managed Services

Where break/fix fails, managed services thrives. While break/fix IT focuses on fixing a problem that occurs, managed services works to prevent a problem from occurring altogether with a proactive, consultative approach.

Managed services work to understand your business from both the technical and human aspects. Without this insight, a managed services provider cannot fully protect you from a cyber attack or recover from a natural disaster.

A managed services provider will monitor your network for any red flags of a cyber attack or failed backup. Their team of information technology experts always have your best interest.

Staying on top of technology changes and cybersecurity takes time and energy, but with a managed services provider by your side, you won’t have to worry. Your provider will instate proven practices to protect your business and keep your software and hardware updates in check.

Managed services provider also has the ability to ensure information security. Information security goes beyond basic internet security, like VPNs and anti-viruses. It includes: password policies, data breach detection, and network protections.

Of course, managed services also provide help desk services. They are there to support your business with all of their IT needs, including an employee forgetting their password.

Why Do Some Businesses Not Partner with a Managed Services Providers?

These kind of benefits and team commitment does come with a price tag. For some businesses, the monthly payment outweighs the cyber protection and consultation services managed IT provides.

However, when 60% of small businesses close six months after a cyber attack, is a break/fix model worth the risk?

Eliminate Cybersecurity Risk with a Managed Services Provider

Your IT solution should consider more than the price tag. It’s about your technology future.

At Access Systems, our information technology experts work in team to get ahead of any red flags before you feel them. It’s like having an IT team that never takes a sick day or goes on vacation.

Through our proactive, consulting approach, we are not just your managed services provider but your business partner.

Are you ready to take the next step? Give us a call or email!